
Great Divide Trail:

Our trip – The Weight Inside

In June 2024, Kristy and I set out to walk the 1300km Great Divide Trail, end-to-end. After walking 520km, we were shutdown by fires, but we persisted, wanting to finish as much as possible. When the fires were contained, we went back out for 280km more. Here is Kristy’s film.

Bow Valley Big 4:

Finally ticking 4 local peaks

For the longest time we have been eyeing off four peaks in the Bow Valley: Cascade Mountain, Mt Lougheed, Middle Sister and Mt Charles Stewart (Buffalo Point). While waiting to get back on the Great Divide Trail we hiked around the valley and managed to finally summit these peaks!

Nahanni National Park:

Canoeing and Climbing

In Summer 2017, we drove 3 days North from Calgary to the Yukon to paddle and climb in Nahanni National Park. Our aim was to climb the Lotus Flower Tower in the Cirque of the Unclimbables, a 600m tower in the middle of nowhere. An epic adventure ensued.

Northern Rockies:

Glaciers and mountains

In Summer 2023, we explored around the McBride BC area, a remote Northern part of the Canadian Rockies. Our aim was to hike around the area and explore off the beaten path. The highlight was a 2 night hike to the Kristi Glacier; massive but seldom visited. Check out the photo essay.

Sinister 7:

Ultra running in Southern Alberta

In July 2023, I ran the Sinister 7 50km Ultra running race. I finished in my goal time of 7.5hrs and made it exactly to the minute. This was the culmination of a couple of years long distance running training and recovering from knee injuries. I managed to get over the line despite a major ITB issue.

Mummery Glacier:

Exploring toward the Freshfield

In the Summer 2020, we managed to get away despite a hectic work year and that Covid thing. It had been quite some time since we’d done any glacier travel, so this was an exciting trip. Despite being short we got some amazing views and explored a wild place!