Water scarcity:
Its going to be all our fault!

I presented a short paper to the International Desalination Association on how if we run out of water globally, it’s all our fault. Our industry moves too slowly and my thesis suggests how we can move more swiftly as an industry.
Personality testing:
Understanding the DISC world.

In Oct 2024, I read the book Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson, which was a game changer for me. Learning about his four personality types helped me understand that different people need to be led in different ways.
Extreme Leadership:
Lessons in Antarctic expeditions.

At the cross roads of the outdoors and leadership is the race to the South Pole in the late 1800s / early 1900s. Amundsen has been a leadership role model for me, but why did he succeed when Scott and Shackleton failed? Lets find out…
Skills to hone:
12 skills from 100 books

From 2018 to 2024 I read over 100 books on business and leadership. I made a full summary of the books and analyzed the lessons from each and made this summary of the top 12 skills. The list is ranked, with communication being the #1 skill.
Why startups fail:
The top 10 reasons ranked

When I was starting Synauta I did in depth research on why start ups fail. This post ranks the top 10 reasons and details how to avoid the common pitfalls. At the core of all these reasons is sounds leadership. Spoiler: product market fit is high up there!
Leadership Primer:
The best ever resource

While visiting the WW1 battlefields in Europe, it struck me that learning about military leadership would be a good idea. I found a executive leadership primer from the Australian Defence Force and it turned out to be the best resource I’d ever read!
12 Minute Business Plan:
Fast planning with ChatGPT

I’ve developed a tool that works with ChatGPT to help plan your next business. It only takes 12 minutes to use and saves hours of research preparing the first stages of a business. Here you’ll find instructions and Excel file downloads.
Culture 1.0:
How we behaved at Synauta

We spent a great deal of time thinking about how to have the very best culture at our old business, Synauta. Over time we developed this culture into something our team members raved about. Read on to see what defined our culture.
Culture 2.0:
Culture for beyond 2025

After exiting Synauta, we spent more time thinking about what makes the world’s best culture. We learnt from mistakes at Synauta and considered adapting our culture to be even better, making our business a great place to work, that moves at light speed.